Discover all our free services
Your comfort, our main goal.

Information and cash desk
Where you can get your card, reload it and ask any question related to the park.

Balance inquiry points
Where you can check the balance available in your card.

Reload machine
Reload your card and control all the movements in it.

Wifi service
Free wifi access all around the park. Stay connected and sail with no limits.

Rest areas
Adults can relax while children have good fun!

WC Men - Women - Disabled
Clean and comfortable. To guarantee the tranquility of the whole family.

Changing tables
You can change the diapers of your baby. Cleanliness and comfortability in the toilet areas.

First aid kit
Checked thoroughly according to normative.

Lost objects
Our cleaning staff pick up all the lost objects found day by day and leave them in the lost objects section. We take good care of them until you come back for your lost item.